Northwest, Abra Patricia, Marañon & Tumbes Endemics – 16 Days 2022
Northern Peru has a great enigmatic birds and we prepare great birding trip for those who cannot travel for three weeks, in this kind of tour our clients can see amazing set of endemic and classic Neotropical birds and many more great species like: Tumbesian and Marañon endemic species.
It is an excellent opportunity, if you want to see Marvelous Spatuletail, Long-whiskered Owlet, Pale-billed Antpitta and Ochre-fronted Antpitta and some other endemic species as part of your target, this trip will take you from the Pacific coast of northwestern Peru, where we’ll explore Carob woodland and deciduous dry habitats, humid montane forest of Abra Patricia and Alto nieva protected forest pass by the Marañon Canyon and lowland in the tropical Rainforest of Peru; Our targets is find all the birds during the tour with not only a great views also with good opportunity to photograph these amazing birds.