Northern Peru Bird
Photography - 11 Days
Northern Peru is a spectacular place for bird watching and photography, it has an incredible selection of species many of them endemics and some of them endangered. This biodiversity has
motivated thousands of bird watchers to visit the area in search of these wonderful species,
but in the last decades it is not enough to observe them, they also want to have a photography, so we organize a birding trip – photography, or bird photo tours; definitely a challenge.
Bird photography combined with Local guide knowledge of behavior, habitats and distribution and especially bird calls makes this passion easier offering the chance to get a wonderful photo.
Day 1: Flight to Tarapoto.
We take a flight from Lima to Tarapoto, here we spend a couple night will go the our hotel to organize our staff and after lunch we’ll start with our birding photography tour close by Tarapoto. we’ll visit Hummingbird feeder where some Highlight are waiting for us.
Koepcke’s Hermit “Peruvina Endemic”
Long-billed Starthroat, White-necked Jacobin. Black-throated Brilliant and Mango are present.
Night. Tarapoto L: D.
Day 2 – 3: Aconabikh – Koepcke’s Hermit.
This amazing area provide an excellent hummingbird feeders with lots of great species and short walk can give us additional birds Golden-headed Manakin Lek if we are lucky Long-tailed Potto roosting in the day time.
Hight lights:
- Golden-headed Manakin.
- Gould’s Jewelfront.
- Black-throated Brilliant.
- Koepcke’s Hermit.
- Golden-Tailed Saphire.
- Starred Woodquail.
- Fiery-capped Manakin.
- White-necked Jacobin.
- Silver-beaked Tanager.
- Chestnut-eared Aracari.
- Golden-Collared Toucanet.
Night. Tarapoto. L: D.
Day 4 – 6: To Moyobamba -Mishquiyacu.

We move to this Northern Peru’s premier foothill birding sites, and we’ll 2 the day there, a new forest reserve, with new selection of hummingbirds and recently described Varzea Thrush (a cryptic species previously considered con-specific with Hauxwell’s Thrush), and recently official species Painted Manakin, we’re sure to have an interesting days with lots of goodies around hummingbird feeders, and reserve, also night photography will offer us a great rewards.
Hight lights:
- Rufous-crested Coquette.
- Black-throated Hermit.
- Black-bellied Tanager.
- Amethyst woodstar.
- Lanceolated Monklet.
- Fiery-throated Fruiteater.
- Painted Manakin.
- White‐bellied Pygmy‐Tyrant.
- Tropical Screech-owl.
- Rofous-banded Owl.
and even some lowland antbirds. Possibilities
around here are plenty and more birds.
Night:wakanki Lodge. B:L:D.
Day 7 – 8: Arena Blanca Reserve – Fundo Alto Nieva.
We start moving to east slope of the andes, at foothill mountain a private reverse have lot more new species, them we keep going up the mountain we’ll spend a night in another great location where in the evening we look for the enigmatic Long-whiskered Owlet, for this species we have two night to get a good photo.
habitat it totaly differente and new species are comming, so our universe and chance to photograph new species are increcible, mostly andean and cloud forest species, some of then endemic like Antpittas and
mountain tanagers.
Hight Lights:
- Flame-faced Tanager.}
- Green Hermit.
- Violet-fronted Brilliant.
- Fork-tailed Woodnymph.
- Green-fronted & Blue-fronted Lancebills.
- Long-billed Starthroat.
- Many-spotted Hummingbird.
- Sapphire-spangled Emerald.
- Wire-crested Thorntail.
- Rusty-tinged Antpitta.
- Ochre-fronted Antpitta.
- Long-whiskered Owlet.
- Blue-winged Mountain Tanager.
- Green Jay.
- Royal Sunangel.
- Booted Racket-tail.
- Speckled Hummingbird……….more
Night : Fundo Alto Nieva Lodge. B:L:D.
Day 9 – 11: Huembo Ecolodge.

we are going to Visit Huembo Ecolodge, the best Place to see and photograph Marvelous Spatuletail, this gorgeous Hummingbird is visiting feeders and of course flowers around aournd this area there lots of
andean Species, some Mixed flocks pass around but our main targets its the unique hummingbird all over the world, that’t why we spend couple days in area, enough time to get a good change to photograph this hummingbird. on the last day of the tour we drive all the back to Tarapoto and late in the day we take a flight to go back to Lima.
End of the tour.
Hight Lights:
- Marvelous Spatuletail
- Sickle-winged Guan.
- Rufous-capped Antshrike.
- Bronzy Inca.
- White-bellied Woodstar.
- Chestnut-breasted Coronet.
- Rufous-capped Antshrike.
- Sickle-winged Guan
- Yellow-breasted Brushfinch. ….
Night : Huembo Eco- Lodge. B:L:D.
Last Day L:D.
What to Bring:
- Please do not bring too much luggage. For domestic flights you can hold 23 kg. ( 50.7063 lbs.) and 8 kg. (17.637 lbs.) in hand luggage. Extra costs run by yourselves.
- Lightweight comfortable clothing is recommended, i.e. standard field pants and shirts for the
entire trip, some jackets, gloves, for cold places is enough, at least for the Abra Patricia, Leymebamba and Cajamarca area. - Day back pack is recommended, we have some walking and you need to pack daily use devices.
- Sunblock and hat or cap.
- Mosquito or insect Repellent
- An umbrella and rain poncho, remember even if you have a good weather forecast, this can change suddenly.
- Please using camouflaged clothing would be OK, not really any military clothing avoid the second.
- Dry back pack is recommended, specially for river sailing.
- Shower thongs / rubber flip flops will be useful.
- Camera.
- Camara lenses (depending your preference. telephoto, Macro or/and Wide angle.)
- Flash.
- Extra Batteries
- Tripod.
- Continuous light Lamp (optional)
- Remote control Flash. (Optional)
- Binoculars. (Optional).
- we’ll visit protected national Park and Private protected area, our tour will primarily be on forested roads and some trails – difficulty is totally easy level.
- We will be moving between 300 – 2400 meters, asl (984.252 – 7874.016 feet), . Mostly between 500 – 1500 meters.
- We will experience all kinds of weather, but no special clothing is necessary.
- We will have electric power at all our destinations. There are sockets inside all rooms with 220 volt electricity.
- You will have electricity 24 hours.
- Please note be sure and bring extra batteries sometimes one single battery is not enough for one day.
- Wifi service its available in all the tour.
- additional memory card would be OK, please remember to download your previous day photos.
Medical and Health Information:
High altitude information you may find useful. Arriving in Tarapoto is not a problem because we are at 300 mt, in general is not a problem because our Photography tour is relaxing, we try to avoid physical effort mostly we’ll be driving with short conformable walks, Adjusting to higher altitude is a very individual thing.
Some may feel no effects at all, some may have minor effects, and others may experience great difficulty.
You may feel the lack of oxygen, and will easily get “out of breath” You may feel a little nauseous, have a headache, or tire easily.. You will acclimatize to it by producing more red blood cells, so you should make sure you stay well hydrated, avoid physical effort as the extra cells thicken your blood. and Coca Tea its very helpful.
Drink lots of water, while avoiding alcohol or caffeine. Dehydration can make any effects of altitude worse. Try to avoid overeating the first day.
your safety and well-being is of first importance above all else.
Therefore, I will be making frequent checks to make sure everyone is feeling well.
If someone in the group isn’t feeling well easily we can visit and small hospital to be sure that you are OK. at the same time we can ask for some medicine at the drugstore after doctor diagnostic.
There are medications available for altitude sickness. Please check with your doctor. For the headache, you can take an over-the-counter medicine, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve).
Travel insurance
Our suggestion is that you use travel insurance service. The normal price of this tour not cover travel insurance.
Birds of Peru is the best field Guide.
If you consider you can bring some other field guide are welcome.
+ Prices Include:
- Private transport in all the way.
- All accommodations in all the tour (Tarapoto / Tarapoto).
- Three meals per day (breakfast, lunch/ picnic or box lunch depending where we are, dinner, snacks, water available all the time).
- Guide specialist / photo assistance.
- Birding spots.
- Transfers in Tarapoto.
- Basically full board in a private tour.
– Not included:
- Laundry, calls, medical costs or hospitalization, excess baggage charges, insurance, or other items of personal nature.
What I (guide) will have with me
- Camara.
- Tripod.
- Recording stuff Roland R-05/Microphone SENNHEISER ME66/K6.
- Two iPods- speakers.
- A Swarovski ATX 80 scope 20-60 zoom
- Green laser pointer
- Owling light.
- GPS.
- Personal Swarovski Binoculars.
- I will be carrying the new field guide Birds of Peru this can be found on
Tour Calendar 2023:
- 3rd May 2023
- 25th June 2023
- 17th August 2023
- 9th October 2023
- 1st December 2023
If some our fixed departure doesn’t work with you, we can propose a fixed departure with your available dates , also if you need private or customized tour, please contact us for more information, all our tours are totally flexible and adjustable to your needs.