Northern Peru - Birding tours
Northern Peru is one of the world’s premier birding tours areas – the number of range-restricted bird species and Threatened That can be seen During a tour is Nearly unbeatable! From the coastal, Tumbesian specialties to the Marañon Valley endemics and of course the diverse humid East slope of the Andes, there is exciting birding everywhere!, Although it is possible to organize a 2-week trip to Northern Peru, we highly recommend that you » opt for at Least 21 days – Otherwise you’ll be cutting out on wonderful birds like Scarlet-banded Barbet, Russet-bellied Spinetail, Pale- Antpitta billed, and White-masked Antbird, and rushing through the traditional areas like the famous Abra Patricia, the Marañon and Mayo Valleys, and the Chiclayo-Olmos thorn forest.
No matter what you settle on itinerary, it is bound to include some of the country’s best birds; Choose a link below or at right to see some possibilities, or contact us With your request, we can combine any of our tour ACCORDING your target species and available time.
Birding northern Peru tours have an excellent selection of local endemic birds, this is our most popular Northern Peru tour, and with good reason: the selection of birds is almost unbeatable on a trip of this length anywhere in the world given the diversity of species, the number of Peruvian and regional endemics, and the highly enigmatic and sought‐after specialties we’ll encounter.
Northern Peru has a great enigmatic birds and we prepare great birding trip for those who cannot travel for three weeks.
Just in two weeks our clients can see amazing set of endemic and classic Neotropical birds and many more great species like Tumbesian and Marañon endemic species.
Birding in northern Peru has a great marvelous birds; if you already visited Northern Peru and you have missed it some species, this tour is designed for you, who can not travel for 2 or 3 weeks once again, but you have the opportunity to see mythical Pale-billed Antpitta or amazing Scarlet-Banded Barbet, it used to be difficult to include an itinerary to travel to this remote area “Cordillera Azul National park”, nowadays you have good chance to see this Peruvian endemic specie